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Last night was the best night of my life.

Mara had a 5 lb. baby boy. His name is Liam.

I don't know anything else, but that's enough.

I'm trying hard to concentrate on work. I think he was born around midnight last night, because I got the text from my Mother at 0440 my time. I couldn't sleep.

I can't explain it, but I'm so happy - so happy for my sister, for Mark, for this new baby Fojas.

I'm just...just over the moon.

Best day ever!


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8:04. I couldn't use my phone in the room so it was a while before I texted you. 5 pounds, 5 ounzes. Just a little peanut. All wrapped up in blankets, it was like holding a bag of sugar.

Congratulations from the Martinos! Please tell Mara and Mark we wish them all the best. Tell them to sleep when they can!

congratulations Uncle Nathan!

and congratulations to Mark and Mara as well.

so are you going to be Uncle Nathan? Uncle Nate? Whatever ... congratulations on your new "unclehood". I can't wait to see that beautiful baby! I, also, am having a difficult time concentrating at work today! "Over the moon" sums it up pretty well!

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