February 11, 2006

Ode to Themed Coaster Sets

Ode to Coasters.bmp

Posted by Mendon at February 11, 2006 1:58 PM

At my mom's house, we have every single Santa Claus drinking Coca-cola coaster ever made. Those are the ones that some gas station gives out, with a different picture each year. We have about 10 of each kind... it's pretty disgusting. No one in my family even drinks Coca-cola!

Posted by: Hayley at February 12, 2006 5:52 PM

Who is Thomas Kincaid? Does he make camping equipment or paint by number kits? Is he a poster child for the American Lighthouse and Maritime Musem in Beauchamps, New Jersey?

Posted by: papa D at February 17, 2006 9:49 AM

I spelled it wrong. Thomas Kinkade is an artist who has serialized his line of artwork (by which he pays impoverished third world panters to replicate his work and then he signs the paintings replicated by the workers). He is an abomination to the world of art and is the most popularly sought after artist by middle aged middle class white women. Your brother and sister-in-law have his artwork on their walls in the form of wallpaper (less of an abomination because all it requires is screen printing an image and less likely people in the third world). A

I don't know, go ask your wife who he is!

Posted by: Mendon at February 17, 2006 11:27 AM

I see! Therefore I am.....ummm....ummmm conflated.

Posted by: papa D at February 17, 2006 10:50 PM