February 16, 2006

Truncated Adolescent Maturity Syndrome (TAMS)

Client must present at least 3 of the following 5 symtpoms.
-Penial ideation, obsession, or delusions
-Excessive amusement by dick and fart humor
-Frequent use of words such as "gay" or "retarded" in a euphamistic but still derogatory context
-Persistent drawing of penises characterized by 3-5 penises a week for at least 5 weeks
-Delusions related to the consumption of inexpensive alcohol and the degree to which it improves social status
*Note: Clients under the age of 17 should not be diagnosed with this disorder.

If you or someone you know suffers from TAMS there is help available. The University of North Texas has instituted a special housing program for individuals suffering from TAMS. Unfortunately, research has shown that simply living in Texas is strongly correlated with an increase in the severity of TAMS symptoms.

Posted by Mendon at February 16, 2006 3:40 PM

Concurrent studies have shown the residences in Texas are in the penal system. It is a curious disorder affecting most college men in three floor dormatories which have close encounters with, well, you know....
Breathing patterns on vivid evenings includes Kussmal's,
irregular gulping in conjunction with bullfrog racing.
A further intrigue is the desire to leap from one iceberg to another during the late spring months off the Vancouver coast while giving 'tarzan-like' calls. It is called 'bellowing'
and reaps the desired reward of attractinng seals.

Posted by: papa at February 17, 2006 9:46 AM