February 9, 2006

Kristen's taking over!!!

This is my husband's inspiration, the aforementioned cartoon that is half toothpastefordinner, half nataliedee. I'm posting them. Not on my blog, though; my grandma Pat reads that... He's volunteered his blog so that I would do it.

So, the only thing I'm wondering about is exactly what kind of person is inspired by anthropomorphized, crass peas?

pea post.bmp
post 2.bmp
pea touching post.bmp

Posted by Mendon at February 9, 2006 5:04 PM

I like your style, Kristen! And these, I get! :-)

Posted by: Mara at February 10, 2006 12:38 AM

I think the peas are cute.

Posted by: Hayley at February 10, 2006 1:28 AM

I chuckled. As a mother, this dialogue is so familiar. Imagine twins in the womb. "He's on my side!"

Posted by: Ma at February 10, 2006 5:51 AM

Good thing Mendons going to be a psychologist. lnsl (laughing not so loud)

Posted by: Rahmat at February 10, 2006 12:52 PM

I think that women need to be subjected to fewer male psychologists. Especially when there is such strong empathy amongst themselves. Heh heh. It's funny, Rahmat, that you're the only one of four (and only male of four) to not express an identification with these cartoons!
Who needs the psychologist? I think it's you:)
I also happen to think that these are very funny.
In order to understand the comedy in my cartoons you have to go to www.gapingvoid.com and check out a backlog of all of Hugh's cartoons. (By the way, I emailed Hugh asking a question about his blog and included a link to mine. He said he thought my cartoon is funny:)

Posted by: Mendon at February 10, 2006 2:18 PM

Wow, Mensch, either that was really harsh or I didn't get the irony over the internet.
Glad Hugh thought your comics were funny. Remember, you asked for our comments, and for those of us who are not comic groupies, we didn't get it. Maybe your comics should come with background histories.

Posted by: Mara at February 10, 2006 4:44 PM

Nah, not harsh at all. I figure that Rahmat's comment means that he either thinks that someone needs to figure kristen out or needs to be able to help her figure out relationships (and yes, I understand that he says this in jest). However, the great comedy is that you and hayley and maman all identified with her comics. It was funny that only Rahmat didn't "get them.":) There's been enough male psychologists sitting around analyzing women in pejorative ways (which is why I made my first comment).
As for background histories, it's all right if no one got my last cartoon. It was mostly an inside joke:)

Posted by: Menodn at February 10, 2006 6:24 PM