Essence of Birthday


Simple Gifts

Today, Monday, 14 November 2005 is my mother's birthday. It is exactly one week since her surgery. This is already a milestone.

Before the surgery, she told me she was looking forward to this year's birthday like no other. Well, she will probably spend it as she has spent no other. Simply a ride home from the hospital and go to bed. Her bed. We might sing to her, but as one of her get well cards said - that may simply add to her suffering! And unless you know how to light candles in applesauce, we'll probably skip that tradition, too.

Here's me signing off for today to carry out my birthday gift - I got my maman to pick up from the hospital!!


A nice firm Jell-o holds the candles quite well. Wish Maman all the best from me. I'll join in on the rounds of horrible singing for her.

Seriously, folks, I really do hate jello. I don't need candles, and am very happy to be home. I think this is a terrible way to get my family to come home, especially since Mensch was doing such a nice job of it by getting married, but I love having some people I don't get to see very often around. (Don't let Mara read that last sentence. I think it flunks the grammer test)

Maman, you're home! I love you. Feel better, I'll be home to see you in a few days:) If we can figure out how to get back to Mentor?

Stephanie, so glad to hear you are back home, so good to know you are doing better.

Im leaving for Cleveland on monday so Im all excited that I will get to see you all together.

Mara checks for grammar? oh my oh my what am I to do!! oh my! Im headed for truuuble!

So, I realized just how appreciative I am for your posts and updates about Maman because I keep checking today and I'm slightly grouchy that you haven't posted yet. I don't mean to harass you about this, rather, thank you for being so willing to keep everyone updated with your blog. Thank you!

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This page contains a single entry by Mara published on November 14, 2005 3:21 PM.

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