Happy Mother's Day


To all the mothers - both new and experienced - happy mother's day [for where I come from anyway]!

Congratulations on agreeing to sacrifice so much of your former selves to create and nurture new life, both your own and your children's.

Congratulations to my mother, to my grandmother, to my mother-in-law, to my aunts, my friends, my sisters.

Congratulations to the future mothers, who are simply biding their time until their day comes [not that this is personal or anything].

Yay, mothers!

Anyone have cool, fun, sappy, heartwarming stories about a mother they know that they'd like to share?


Oh, man! it's like i'm five all over again.
"Maman! Would you like a cup of tea? yes? Fantastic."

Much better than spilling the tea all over her (which would be tragic), instead I put normal milk in the tea. We'll see how Maman's feeling in about an hour. *hangs head in shame* what have i done?

on another note, kristen got her powerbook a couple of days ago (we finished finals two days ago grades are looking good for mendon, maybe) and she's loving playing with it. if Mark saw her he'd smile:)

Good news! We realized the 'mistake' with the milk right away (and it was a small amount) so I took the pills and everything was just fine. Of course, then we went to Gramma's and had rhubarb, so 'just fine' is a relative term.

Thanks for the call, Rae. I didn't know you could use your phone from Germany. And, yes, I can tell it's your phone.

(I'm working on thinking of a Mimi story to post.)

Wow, Ma, glad you responded 'cause I was *clueless* as to what Mendon was talking about!!

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