I'm Going To Spain!

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Woohoo! We leave late Thursday evening (ick) and we'll be there two weeks. We'll be staying with Shannon and her husband (who are very expecting, and for the context of my family: she is the daughter of Judy & Don, pioneers to Uruguay, who know my aunt and uncle. She also served at the BIC in Geneva with Mark.). After visiting Barcelona for a few days, we'll go to Zaragoza - and stay with more friends, and then move on to Bilboa to see KRISIA! Whom we love and adore oodles! We'll stay there about a week before heading south to Toledo. First time in my life I've been excited about heading to Toledo. Okay, second. When I was in ninth grade I went to the University of Toledo (Ohio, USA) for a summer session on film - that was awesome! But Toledo Ohio isn't exactly the most riveting place on the planet, let alone in Ohio. That's beside the point, really, 'cause we're going to Spain!!!

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OH, is Toledo, Spain the Toledo referred to in the phrase, "I'll kick you from here to Toledo!"?

Hmm...don't know.

Gramma was so thrilled that you called her. It totally made her day, though I think she thinks a year is going to be a long time to wait to see you again. I'm glad you got through. Have fun in Spain.

HEY! by now you must for sure be back... for sure!!! i am actually planning a trip to spain next year...to visit friends as well... *and go back to my roots!*
yah right... hahaha...

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This page contains a single entry by Mara published on November 2, 2004 3:21 PM.

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