Katydinkers & Brumbershoots

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I almost forgot about this entry...

I threw the title onto my blog, left it as a 'draft', and nearly forgot about it.

Any ideas about what these two words mean? I will reveal the true meanings in a few days.

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yeah, a bumbershoot is an umberella (umbrella?)

They sound like words from Harry Potter?

Ahh, but they go back much farther than Harry Potter (if indeed, they are to be found there)

so, now that no one is listening anymore (sorry)

a "katydinker" is a hat and, yes, a brumbershoot is an umbrella - per the grandmother of an older woman here (she's in her late 60s) ... so, way before Harry Potter came around. And no, she's not British.

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This page contains a single entry by Mara published on August 11, 2004 8:09 AM.

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