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Quick Clarification

I realized, reading everyone's comments on my previous blog post that I left out a fairly vital detail: the baby.

According to the ultrasound - the one that determined that my baby was 'only' in the 32nd percentile - my baby is healthy. It has a good heart rate (with all 4 valves), organs are developing as they should, femur is looking good (for retardation, among other things), etc. So, other than the fact that it's smaller than the average (American?) baby, all is well with it's development.

All that's really changed is that when I go in search of food at 4 a.m., I reach for a protein shake instead of dried figs. It's a win-win situation really. The doctor's (should be) happy, I'm less hungry when I crawl back into bed and my mom gets rid of her old protein shakes from the days of cancer treatment.

And to everyone who has offered their love, support and encouragement, again, thank you.


So glad you clarified that everything is OK, and that the only thing that seems out of the ordinary is your baby's smaller than (American) average. Ummmm ... did your doctor take into account that the baby M&M is of Filipino descent? On the other issue ... hope you are not having pains from the cyst ... our cousin had/has ovarian cysts that were discovered when she was pregnant with her daughter, along with a big one that roomed with her baby - and grew with her baby (!) for the entire gestational period! I know that she was in some significant ... ummm... discomfort. If yours are small, hopefully they're not too terribly painful. Sandy had them, too, I think when she was pregnant with Chris (remember the baby? Yeah ... he'll be turning 10 in May -- and of course his brother Michael -- or Mikey when you saw him last will be 13 later this month.) If I remember correctly, Sandy's weren't terribly painful. Anyway ... baby M&M may surprise your doc, and hit a growth spurt -- you've got 2 months to go! Much love to you all :)

So...now do you know if it is boy or girl?

No, Rae, we don't.

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