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Upside Down

It's one of those days. Just out of sorts. I guess the feeling has sort of been gnawing at me for a while. I'm not used to instability in my life. Now my life is nothing but.

I just finished a novel that, at the end, turned out to be about betrayal and deception. I think it's sort of highlighted my upside-down feeling.

On the upside, we did find out Mark could be eligible for up to $39,000 in federal loans each year for med school. Don't add that up. It'll make you sick, but it does make the idea of living and med school a little easier to wrap my head around.

For those of you fearing we might leave the US again, think of it this way: it means we'll be in the US for at least the next two decades. One for med school, the next (at least) for paying it off.


Ahh the joys of life in America. Well, it'll be you and us paying off our debt to the devil for the next few years..... :-)

Hey Mara,

John from BWC.

Where are you guys settling back in the States?

Which Med School was Mark accepted to?

Happy Old New World.

Congrats on your "life within you".

Loving Baha'i Greetings,

John Gubatayao

It could be worse. You could have to take a cold shower every day for the next four to six years, too. At least Mark has a good idea of what the heck he's going to be doing. The rest of us (i.e. me) are still twiddling their thumbs. Find reassurance in that!

Well, when you know what you're in for I guess it's easier to gear yourself up to really enjoy the journey rather than having to focus too much on the destination....most of the time much easier said than done. Once the baby arrives, at least at first, you'll have so much new stuff to do that you won't have to think about all the other stuff for a while, that's something to look forward to for sure :):) You're looking lovely. lots of love amelia

Come to NM, the med school here is the only good thing of UNM, and I assure you, it is way cheaper than other schools around the US... if it wasnt for how cheap UNM is I would have left to some other place already... although I am leaving to do grad school elsewhere.
School drains you empty of all your money, thats for sure though...
Hope you, baby and hubby are healthy!