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You'd Never Know

You'd never know that I was 6 months pregnant and she had cancer, no?


We had our haircut yesterday, so we figured this would be a good opportunity to show the world just how well my mother is doing. For a more in focus photo, check out my mother's blog.

Today is a Baha'i Nineteen Day Feast, which I'm still getting used to again (since they don't happen in Haifa). We're hosting and it's potluck! Yum!

Tomorrow Mark and I will be heading down to Columbus for a New Year's party and to take care of some other business as well. I cannot even begin to express how old all this travelling is getting. Well, I guess I best enjoy it while I can....

Which brings me to my final topic. Pregnancy, I think, is just about the weirdest thing that has, or probably ever will, happen to me. I have another human growing inside of me. Inside. Of Me. It's rather difficult to wrap my head around it - to really convince myself it is for real and happening to me. Not that I ever had difficulty believing it was happening to someone else. Weird. That's as far as I've gotten.


ohhh.... the photos in your mom's blog are soooo nice!
and i love your tummy!

I remember when Mommy was pregnant with Nathan, I was so excited to be a Daddy and that Mommy was having our baby. An expression of love.it was very romantic and special as a anew young couple. And all our friends and family were so happy about it and they weren't able thewn, I don't think to tell the sex of the baby yet. Maybe I just don't remember so well those details. I do know we were different in having a Lamase trained childbirth. I saved our paper bag and notes on coaching breathing techniques during the birthing. I can close my eyes and see each of our kids crowning as they were being born. It was a miracle each time that I am so happy and proud to have experienced.

The real miracle has been the last 34 years. I look at Nathan and think, "I gave birth to him?!? But, he's a grown man!" Somehow, it is less difficult to accept with the other three of you. And, Papa, you remember correctly. It wasn't until Mensch that they were beginning to be able to know the sex of the baby before hand. And even with him, it would have been a special case to find out. The exception, not the rule.

I, too, remember the utter amazement and wonder at the miracle of birth. I say it without quotes or irony. It truly is beyond imagination. What an amazing life life has been. What an honor to be trusted with 4 dependent lives. What a task to help them all achieve independence. What a life I have lived. Thank you for being there, for coming with me.