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Smoking Jackets.....

I am, as of late, feeling a bit like an olde habit, a worn pair of jeans. Perhaps I am like a smoking jacket.
I am trying to remember what they were for? Ever? Did men put them on after dinner so they could smoke foul smelling things in front of fireplaces in dens so they wouldn't ruin a perfectly good dinner jacket? Were they social status type overgarments to show off in front of guests? Were they ever worn out of doors?
As for me, I prefer the worn jeans comparison as they are most comfortable just before they wear out totally. They are worn incessantly to offer the comfort of a friend and sorely missed when they must,finally, and regrettably,be sent to the trashbin. It feels like it is time to be comfortable.


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Ack! Ack! How about moderately worn? Does that work? I'm not ready to have multiple parents coming apart at the seams! As I have two pairs of pants that are already there, I'm having trouble getting rid of them (even though they are frayed and about to explode into nothingness). I can't even mourn a pair of super-comfy jeans;)

I love you guys.

I am still tryinng to figure out what smoking jackets are for. Maybe Nathan knows all that is worth knowing in this regard. Do they have them in Latvia?

The smoking jacket (also known as chaquetus fumarus) has a long history dating back to the scientific and political dominance of china. These creatures that resemble robes of silk were once so highly prized that Englishmen would rent a dead smoking jacket to wear while someone painted their portrait. However, smoking jackets lost popularity in the last hundred years. They have, however, gained a new popularity among young wealthy men attempting to emulate their most prized role model, Hugh Hefner. They are frequently accompanied by silk sleeping pants (pantalones-sedus duermus) known for their shiny-ness.

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