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The Fabric of My Life

I know I have been writing about my cancer and it has been depressing. Sorry about that. Today, instead, we are going to focus on what my life is actually like.

This morning I woke up just about the time my husband got home from work. I made myself a cup of tea and we sat together in the back yard, having our breakfast in the dappled sunlight. The morning was a bit cool and I was grateful for my bathrobe. When he had finished his breakfast and we had talked our fill, we went inside, he to the bed and me to eat my breakfast and read the paper.

I leisurly read the paper as I was in no hurry. I checked the Dornbrook blogs and my email. My mother in law was going to come over and pick cherries off our tree so they don't go to waste, but I had time. Of course, when I got in the shower, she and my brother in law arrived. They had brought lemon poppy seed muffins and a beautiful white impatiant.

When I got outside, they had picked enough cherries for at least 2 pies, so, of course, Gramma started weeding my little flower bed. I figured if no one was going to stop her at 85 from doing a little weeding, they wouldn't say too much to me if I joined her. (I caught some flak for doing it the day I got home from the hospital.) We did a pretty good job on that bed and actually started on the herb bed as well. Mara got me to stop because Gramma was going to go at it as long as I was, so we all sat down with tall glasses of cold water.

Gramma decided that we should be eating lunch so sent Gene off to Arby's for roast beef sandwiches for all. We sat in the sun with a light breeze cooling us off, chatting about the mundane things of life. Mom reported that her friend Claire had been admitted to Hospice. Mom had been out to visit her in California right after Grampa died. Mom returned in time for Father's Day with all the boys.

Dusty got up after not enough sleep and joined us. We had been sitting there quite a while by now and we sat there some more. I have the sun burn to show for it.

By now Gramma and Gene decided to go home and pit their cherries and Dustin went back to bed for the rest of his "night". Mara went off to do some errands, handing Little Liam off to Mark. They were fine at first, but then Liam the Lima Bean took umbridge at something Daddy said or did. He walked him outside, which usually calms the little one down, but he was not to be consoled today. I followed and fairly snatched the baby from his father, because I am that kind of a grandmother (terrible and possive), being careful not to lift him since, after all, I am less than a week post op. He finally settled down sucking on my little finger.

Mara returned, Mark left for school and Liam, Mara and I hung out in the living room while Daddy still slept. As we approached 6 pm, I realized that for dinner to happen, I'd better move. I just made a simple chicken and veggie soup. Dusty got up, took a shower and made some toast.

After dinner, we all watched Hopscotch with Walter Matthau. Good movie. Just as the movie was ending, Gramma called to let us know that Claire had passed away. I had talked to her in the beginning of the month before Gramma returned to Cleveland. She sounded good. But that is it way it goes.

Dustin left for work, I am writing this entry, Mara and Liam are getting ready for bed, Mark just pulled in the driveway. The day is winding down, we are all getting ready for bed. The house will be quiet in a few minutes, to arouse and start all over again tomorrow morning. Not a special day, actually an ordinary day. And special in its very ordinariness.

PS Did I tell you that Liam laughed at me yesterday? Yes, he did. Mara had him over his shoulder and I was making fish faces at him. He was following me closely. It is sort of a hit or miss thing with him, so when he does follow you, it is really special. Anyway, one of the faces must have struck him as quite amusing as he gave a big smile with a bit of an aspiration. His first laugh! I was so thrilled!


That was a really good day. Beautiful weather, yummy food and a giggling baby!

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