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A little more detail

Well, folks, I am either 20% or 25% finished with my radiation (if my math is correct.) Here it is. I have completed 7 sessions (the first two still count) of either 35 or 28 sessions. I'm not sure which because I have gotten different answers from different doctors and haven't quite understood which it will be. I think Dr. Chang (radiology) confirmed that it would actually be 28 after all, but I am afraid to believe it for fear of being disappointed. If I understood correctly, 25 are broader to the area of the tumor, then there will be a more focused 'boost' of three more sessions to the 'tumor bed'.

I want to tell you that I feel pretty well, especially today (when I don't have to go down to the Clinic!), and I am. My energy level is not quite where it was before radiation, but it will come back. Basically all I do is go to work, go to the Clinic for radiation, come home and sleep. Except on Wednesdays when I spend the whole day down there. I have been trying to extend somewhat and stay awake in the evenings and I have been doing better. My stomach feels a little wonky mid-morning and lunch just doesn't appeal to me much, but my appetite at dinner has been pretty good. And breakfasts have been okay, too. Not great, but they go down.

I will be starting at the Gathering Place support group on Tuesdays. There are two at the same time; one for clients and one for family members. Now if I can just stay awake for it! (I hope they don't mind if I knit!) Daddy was able to drive me to the Clinic on Thursday and Friday, and I think that made a big difference in my ability to stay awake afterwards. The only day we have run into a scheduling conflict is on Wednesdays, and I think I have conquered that one with friends at work.

A special thank you to Uncle Claude for the gift of Netflix. Daddy and I have been really enjoying the movies. It really helps to distract me in the evenings. And because we can watch them when we want to, we often start at 7:30 and can still get to bed at a reasonable hour.


Maman, it is wonderful to hear that your support network is really coming through for you and that you're feeling well. Before Nathan can say it, if you are eating less food, in order to maintain your body weight, you need to increase the calories that you are eating. That might mean eating slightly richer foods that are still good for you. I would like to name a few that might be great for you to have around:
1. Fudge
2. Shmeese (spelling?)
3. Cream
4. Butter
5. Sour Cream
6. Peanut Butter Fudge
7. Pumpernickel with spinach, artichoke, and creamed parmesan dip.
8. Pesto and Alfredo sauces
9. Marble Cake with double chocolate icing
10. 100% Juice

I hope that that will help you to stay happy, healthy, and at the very least, chuckling for a little while.

Not to worry, I'm not 'eating less food, in order to maintain my body weight,'. As a matter of fact, I have been trying to get it up. The (male) nurse weighed me before my appointment with Dr Pelley last Monday, and said, "146.6. I always take 2 pounds off for clothing and shoes." To which I replied, "Oh, but I've been trying to bulk up this past week." He said he didn't hear that very often, and I thought he must be new to Taussig. Not that many people would say they were trying to bulk up, but the concept of either keeping or gaining weight is not new there.

I appreciate the list, but remember, I don't tolerate dairy well. I think the fact that I haven't lost weight, but have managed to hold pretty steady, is evidence that I am eating pretty well. And some of those foods you have listed are so rich, I'm not sure I could keep them down. Even reading the list is challenging. And nutritious? What on your list besides the juice is nutritious?

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