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Wednesday is Monday

Monday is the new Wednesday. That means that my first radiation treatment will be on Monday, as per a conversation between Drs. Pelley and Chang. I do wish they had bothered to let me know. I found out this morning when I was making my 'first' appointment and the rad tech thought it should be on Monday and I was equally sure it should be on Wednesday. Oh well. I guess it all comes out the same in the end. Oh, and the ADHD squirrel nut map will stay on my tummy for the whole time. Not sure why I needed tatoos, when I have the map, but there it is and will stay. Sigh.


Yeah, I talked to Pat about those, as I wasn't really sure what you were talking about with your 'tattoos'. She said hers are actual, permanent black tattoos - she's still got them and will always have them. Did you really get a tattoo before I did? Sigh. . .

Hey, I'm such an over achiever -- I got four.

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