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The Mensch

Yesterday, I read the horoscopes, as I always do. I promptly forget them, but they are fun to read. Here is Mendon's for yesterday.

Libra: You're so agreeable, you'll even argee to disagree. Your sophistication of self allows you to give your full attention to people whose opinions are dead wrong. The world needs more Libras.

I concur.

And if it isn't completely true yet, it is a laudable goal.


That's so funny, maman. Is that a verbatim quote? Because, to be honest, I've really been feeling like this lately:)

Good luck with the Port-A-Cath today! I didn't realize I was so queasy about medical stuff until I read to you about the Port-A-Cath, how it's put in and how it works once it's in. Egh.

Did you read me that? I think by then I was tuning out because I don't remember at all any of it. I'm just going today, blissfully ignorant of what is going to go on. I can't do anything about it much anyway (though Daddy and I did say the long healing prayer this morning), so who needs to know? I just need to know what I am expected to do -- clear liquids and show up at 2:45. Beyond that, it is in the good doctor's hands.

Yes, Mensch, a direct quote. It struck me because it was so apropro (Daddy swears this is how it is spelled -- and he is better at this stuff than I am.)

I LOVE the new look. Teach me how in January...?

Me too, except the comments are dastardly hard to read. . . !

what happened to the purple and green?

Oh, that new look! I thought you meant my hair. I have no idea because Nae sort of showed me last night and I just picked one. It didn't show up on my page this morning. I'll have to check it out with Nae. He added this feature so we can all customize our pages. I'm sure he will be thrilled to walk us all through it.

Whoa, Maman, your blog exploded. what happened. What's all this weird stuff on your blog?

Oh, I like the pink & green!

I love it!

Like much of my life, I am not actually in control of my blog right now. I have no idea where it all came from, where it went, etc. But I like it. I'll have Nae show me again so I can show you, Rae, and so I can make choices.

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