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A good day.

Today was a good day, really a good day. Here it is, 9:30 at night, I am still awake, and I didn't even take a nap today. Now, it is true that I didn't shower this morning. For some reason, showering makes me quite tired, but still, I am amazed at how energetic I have been today.

I finished knitting my 'new pancreas' yesterday when Heidi was here. She showed me a new stitch and that inspired me to get out my 'pancreas' yarn.

It went quite quickly and I didn't even use the mohair blend. So today I started a scarf with that. I am following a lace pattern (my first!) in the hope that I will like it enough to use on the alpaca. I also have asked Aunt Cindy to find me a book (specific one) with a really pretty lace pattern that I am considering. Or I might try another that is more 'reversible'.

We'll see, but either way, I am planning for the future. Quite a long way from begging to go to Hospice! (Sorry, guys. That must have been more than tough.)

And tomorrow, Cindy and I are going to listen to Handel's Messiah at Lake Erie College. I hope I have as much energy tomorrow.


I even cleaned the microwave and finally caught up on reading all my knitting blogs. That was a big one. Tomorrow I can start fresh.

That's wonderful news! By the way, some of the stuff we left in the back of your car is yours. Namely: your blue turtleneck sweater, the bathrobe, sesame oil, and two extra soft toothbrushes. :-) There might be more - just go through the bags.

sigh . . . I miss being with you.

And I miss having you here. Of course, there were questions that I wanted to ask you and things to tell you, but as soon as I get here they are gone. When I remember, I'll write again. Oh, btw, how do i video conference? I know Nae will show me, but tht was the whole point, no?

I believe that if you go to iChat (the word bubble icon), open that (I think it's still set as MaraNoelle), then choose mfojas, then we should be able to video conference. I think Mark is currently your only contact :-)

We can try later tonight

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