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Rae-Rae is going to be 25 on the 25th! Happy B'day, Rae. And a memorable one it was, too! At least, I remember it! Uncle Philippe was so proud of the part he played in it. I think he thought of you as almost his own.


I am so confused!

what was memorable,and what role did Uncle Philippe play? Am I the only one who doesn't get this?

I'm assuming she means your birth.

Ma, what was Uncle Philippe's role? Seeing as how we were all 8 and under, our memories aren't so strong of the event. . .

Nate the great was seven.

Oh! . . . makes a little more sense now. The memory is of my first birthday:)

I remember when Mendon was born. I remember the nurse/doctor giving him shots in his feet(both of them) and poor Mensch was screaming and I thought it was all really mean and terrible. And we all called him Kermit and he lay in his playpen with Mara's boy cabbage patch doll.

Yeah, I realized after I wrote that that Nae was almost eight.

I remember your first birthday - mainly chocolate all over your entire body - but I'm still not sure about Uncle Philippe's role. . .

Not your first birthday, but the day of your birth. That is what we are celebrating. We called Uncle Philippe around 1 am and he came over and stayed with Mara and Nathan until Gramma came over. It may not sound like much, but it sure made him proud to be involved and to have helped. And we really would have been stuck if he hadn't come. Gramma lived an hour away, plus the trip to the hospital. Rae would have been born at home before Gramma even got there. And since you needed to be suctioned, it could have been a dangerous situation for you.

Ah, right, that's why I'd have no recollection of it. Though I don't have any recollection of Gramma being around, or, well, of Rachael being born.

Does that mean Rachael doesn't exist? :D

Ma, I meant my actual day of birth. I said first without thinking that it would be taken as the birthday celebrating my 1st year of life. Sometimes sero the hero can be confusing! Yes, that's what we say in school:)

I mean zero the hero

Okay, my turn to come a little cleaner. I think it was Mensch that Uncle Philippe came over for, but he still was very fond of you. Barb TQ came over for your birth. In the middle of the night. Nobody's ever asked me to do that for them. All the rest is accurate. And I was intentially confusing to tantalize you into asking questions.

Barb came over for Mendon's birth? Wow - missed that! I was SOOO freaked out to see someone other than my father on that side of the bed (our dad sleeps on the side of the bed that you see as soon as you enter the bedroom). I didn't recognize Gramma at first & was really scared that a stranger was sleeping in my parents bed. I panicked.

Rae, I remember when I turned 24 on the 24th (as you're turning 25 on the 25). It's still my favoritest birthday ever, simply because it was so cool - I turned 24 on the 24th, 24 years after my mother - aged 24 - had given birth to me on the 24th :-) I just thought that was so cool!

Ma- It worked!

this IS a cool birthday. Some call it a champaign birthday or a golden birthday. I'm excited about it- but the best part is I get to be an odd number of years old again!

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