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Thank you for ignoring my little temper tantrum

Yes, even mothers have a bad day from time to time. Mine got the better of me yesterday.

I spent the day with Heidi and she talked nicely to me and helped me put the boxes together. They will be in the mail on Tuesday. Phew! That was hard work.


Yay! I got Aunt Ciny's package today and I'm looking forward to yours:)

Well, then, I'd better get it in the mail, then, hadn't I? It was supposed to go out on Saturday, but then Heidi and I were still working on them so I missed the Post Office because it closes at 1. I put the finishing touches on and taped the boxes shut on Tuesday morning before work, but didn't have time work to get them to the Post Office and thought I would get them out before teaching at 6. But it snowed, so I took the back roads and didn't get to Painesville in enough time to get to the Post Office, which closes at 6. So that leaves today. At lunch I go to Pilates and after work I go to stretch and get out at 6 and the Post Office closes at 6. Are we beginning to see a theme here? Maybe tomorrow? Please forgive me it it doesn't get there quite in time. The intent is still there.

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