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The Tradition lives on . . .

In case anyone thought Daddy and I weren't communicating . . .

Okay, okay, the only communicating that isn't going on is between me and the computer. I did upload file thing and nothing happened! I mean, the little computer icon in the lower right hand corner blinked to beat the band, but no file seems to upload! Why doesn't this work for me? I have done it in the past, so I should be able to do it now! I got a digitial camera for my birthday and wanted to share my first photo with you.


Mara, Tell Mark I got the Sony. Now, I don't remember which one it is, but I was using it last night already. I also got a bus garage (that is what I call it -- it really is a USB (get it? USB-BUS?) hub (but where does a bus go? In a hub? No, in a garage) so that I can plug in more USB thingies. And I got a card reader so I can transfer images from the card and not use the camera battery. I'm still learning how to use the camera, but have taken a few pictures so it can't be too hard. I am still having problems downloading to the blog, but Rae has offered to help me with that at Thanksgiving, so expect to see some fun photos.

Oh, wait! That would mean that I would have to take some fun photos! Expect to see some boring photos.

The biggest problem I have is batteries dying after five minutes. I know there are certain batteries that are better for cameras, but even they don't always seem to do the trick. Anybody have a favorite battery that lasts?

How do you get your most recent comments to show up at the top? I like that.

Rae, I have to laugh! I forgot that I had the most recent comments at the top -- to make it easier to read, so I don't have to scroll through page after page of comments (as if!), so I missed your comments! I think I did that on the 'manage your web log' thing. If you can't find it, we can do it from here when you come. I am so excited to be seeing you!

Batteries -- What kind do you use? I have a lithium battery that recharges, so it has a recharger thingie that I have to plug the camera into. I haven't yet, but I will. But if your camera uses regular batteries, that is different. Then you do have some choices.
Five minutes? Please tell me that is an exaggeration. And bring your camera with you so we can compare notes. And then, let's make sure we find time to do it!

I'll be calling Gramma today to see if and what she would like to bring, then calling you and Mensch to see what you two can cook. And i'll do the rest. The turkey for sure.

I'm excited about Thanksgiving, too! We're co-hosting it w/ another American, and then we've invited people from other countries and asked them to bring a favorite dish from home.

I also hope to incorporate some stuff from the Virtues Guide on the virtue of thankfulness ... heh, heh ... I guess we're just making it our own!

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