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Message for ange . . .

The package has arrived . . .

Dear ange,
Thank you for the lemon curd. And your record is way better than Nae's. I love him dearly, but I never expect anything from him. I just take him as he is.
(I was tryign to make the message look like a code. I really just meant thank you.)


Oh, I am so glad you received it!! I had been waiting to get a box and bubblewrap to put it in, we get so many packages here that I hate to purchase packing materials.
I hope you enjoy it.
Life is busy here in Charlottesville. I LOVE my job and I have joined an outdoor social club that keeps me very busy.
Take care and I will get back to blogging soon!

Oh! An outdoor social club - that sounds like fun, I'd love to hear more about it.

Hey, good to hear from you! I cut out your address and have been meaning to find a thank you card to send to you. I'm glad you are enjoying your new job. Does your university have Women's Center or programming for women?

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