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Really, Really Good News

Yes, I do have good news! You probably think that all I do is complain about how horrible things are, but there has been a development in the Gramma and Grampa saga that is a win-win-win!

Gramma's has been given a date for her surgery of Oct 25th, which is a whole month before Thanksgiving. Good thing #1. Good thing #2: U. Gene is going to stay until Thanksgiving. What a relief. He was originally going to leave this weekend so that means extending his stay by six weeks or so. This leads to the other wins. Grampa is not going to go to the nursing home while Gramma has her surgery and Gramma is going to pay U. Gene to care for them. This saves Gramma some big bucks, while infusing some much needed dollars into the Argentinian economy. I feel so relieved. I was actually quite worried about how Gramma was going to manage by herself.

And I talked with Nae yesterday. He is still alive and well. He was at a Scottish version of a barn dance. He said what it was called, but I couldn't quite hear him, so I am not sure. He sounded good. I expect to be hearing from him again soon in our blogs.


this is very cool. say hi to U. Gene for me. the only person who this isn't win-win-win are the lovely folks in Argentina who are deprived of U. Gene's wonderful presence.

Someone else mentioned that. Nae? I think it is a perspective thing. U. Gene and A. Suellen have been married for 33? 34? years. They can stand being apart for a few months. Especially in exchange for sustanance. There are trade-offs one is willing to make. The one who will think that U. Gene is gone way to long is Shannon, upon whom Grampa (in this case, U. Gene) fairly dotes. And I think the affection is mutual.

Hooray!!! yay!!! Oh, and that reunion will be so sweet!! What a wonderful birthday gift for her :-)

Do you mean to tell me that you actually know when Shannon's Birthday is? I am really, really impressed. I read that last message from you and thought that you meant A. Suellen. Well, I know her birthday is in March, so it didn't make any sense. But, then I remembered that Shannon's Birthday is in November. Boy, you're good! I don't know which day; do you?

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