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What's the latest?

Here is an update of what is going on here. More or less. If I leave holes, please ask questions.

1. Gramma is going to have back surgery September 23 on her back. They are going to release her to come home after only 3 days, but she needs 6 weeks to recuperate. This makes a challenging situation, as you can see. The issue is Grampa, of course. He can't be left alone and to put him in a nursing home for two months would be quite expensive. Uncle Gene will ge arriving shortly before the surgery, so that will help. The nurse at the VA suggested that Grampa could have about two weeks at Brecksville, which would see Gramma through the actual surgery. I hope Gramma uses this option. Say some prayers that her surgery is successful
2. Daddy will be starting school on Monday. Exciting! a little scary, but exciting. A little stressful, but exciting.
3. Well, what is happening in my life? Well, I still have a job. This is a good thing. Lakeland is going through some changes, and the Women's Center is caught up in the Malstrom. So we don't know what is going to be tomorrow. One day we are Outreach, now we are Access, though we are not sure what the difference is, or who we are providing Access to. Last week we were to earn at least 50% of our expenses, now we are not expected to make income and are 'out of the class business.' So what are we supposed to do? Good questions. I suppose when they figure it out (they, being those upstream from us, who have no real idea of what we actually do), they will tell us and we will adjust the way we talk about what we do to fit what they expect us to do. I don't suspect tht we will really change what we do.
4. I've been working on a quilted jacket made with several different fabrics, including some fabric that Mensch brought back from The Gambia. This is a larger project then I have taken on before and sort of exciting -- and scary. Do you see a pattern here?
5. What else? Mark and Mara have returned, though not to Mentor. Unfortunately, the reason is that Gus, Mark's father has had a heart attack. I don't know his condition, but will post what I know when I do.
6. Mendon is off to school. Oh, that's right, you know that. But it has ramifications here too; not all the action is where he is. Only it really is. Lord, we are boring people . . .
My love to you all


Dear All, We are indeed in Steubenville/Pittsburgh. Mark's father, Gus was fortunately close to a very good hospital - at a dinner for cardiologists. He received excellent care very quickly. He will probably come home tomorrow. We don't know when, but we will work a visit to Mentor in - to my parents as well as my grandparents. I'd keep you posted on my blog, but I don't have the energy at the moment. What with being up for 30 hours from the time we left Israel on Friday to the time we could crash yesterday. All my love - Mara

Let me know when that visit is, kay?

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