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Just Checking

Yes, I can still get in! Watch this place for more in the future.


I've been watching...

The anticipation is killing me!

No pressure, of course :)

There, there, not to worry. I posted today. Boring but family stuff. Thanks for the encouragement. It has been a bit busy over here. Aunt Suellen stayed with us for about a week. She was really trying to visit Gramma and Grampa, but of course, they didn't have room for her to stay. Then it was the challenge to get her to the westside with Daddy in school and Mendon and I at work. One day we arranged for her to take one of our cars, but Gramma or Grampa had to rush off to the doctor's, so she ended up twiddling her thumbs at our house. We did manage to go over on Saturday (the day I would have posted) and work on cleaning out stuff from Gramma's spare room with the thought of making room for a bed. We did haul a bunch of junk out, but still didn't make enough room for a bed. More for another day. Maybe Daddy and I will go over while Gramma is in the hospital and clean and rearrange. It is so tough. I really hope to make some inroads here so that you guys (all inclusive, as usual) will not have to deal with this for me and Daddy. I am sort of on a crusade to clean out our home too, but probably won't actually do anything about it for a while.

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