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Spring time in North East Ohio

It's spring here, not only by the calendar, but by the weather as well. Spring means rainy, a bit cold and often windy.

I hear a lot of people complaining about the weather and wondering when it will really be spring, meaning 70 and sunny, but this is spring and I love it. The grass is so green. The daffodils are blooming and they last much longer in the cooler weather. The forsythia is just now budding and will be blooming by the end of the week. I expect the primroses next. As long as you don't expect it to be warm, it is lovely.

Daddy and I bought a golden raspberry plant the other day. I think he is planting it today. I hope so. I first encountered golden raspberries in France when my cousins and I went berry picking. I had never seen them before and didn't think they were ripe, but they tasted terrific. I'm looking forward to seeing if they live up to my memory.

Then there is the Martha Stewart syndrome that I am suffering from. Remember when I thought it would be a good idea to plant the flowers for Mara's wedding? (Yeah, we used silk.) Well, Aunt Cindy and I are going to have a baby shower for Mercy, so she brought me flower seeds and peat pots and said, start these seeds so we can use these as center pieces/party favors. Boy, talk about deja vu all over again! Well, I planted them and they are up, but I don't hold out much hope. Thank God for Pat Catan's.

Still I love spring, before it gets too hot. The flowers are beginning to bloom, the birds are returning and giving us a free show, and the world feels hopeful, even if it is only the world outside my dining room window.


My sentiments exactly. We just discovered that we have 3 lowquat (sp?) trees in our yard. We had never encountered them before, so we weren't sure they were even edible. A friend came over and introduced them to us - now we always have a handful wherever we go, as well as a growing list of people coming over to pick fruit from our trees.

As for the flowers, well, what's not in bloom? Okay, the calla lilies are on their way out, but the roses are EVERYWHERE! They're all over the terraces, too, which makes the walk to work gorgeous. We planted some bulbs late, so now we have lilies and irises coming up too.

Thanks for reminding me that I wanted to mention how much I am enjoying everything that's in bloom!

Lots of love to you, Mara

When is the shower? I probably won't make it but I'd at least like to send something. It is also Spring here...which means rain and strong winds too(yuck). But when we have sunny days it gets pretty hot out which is lovely:)

We haven't set a date for the shower yet, but probably July. Cindy is making a baby quilt. I love the colors. Anyway, Spring is over. It snowed on Monday and last night it was a low of 74. Crazy.

what's new..any pictures of Merci's baby? Having fun with Mendon back? Still readjusting?

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