Recently in pregnancy Category

Baby Clothes Sizes

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When I first started Dressing Abby I found that the sizing varies greatly from brand to brand. I often found that when Abby was ready for the next size up, there were clothes that she had already outgrown or was really close to outgrowing. I've put together a quick list to show how different brands are sized relative to one another. I hope this is helpful to some one.

Brands & sizing

Carters: I have a lot of Carters clothing and so it is my standard.
Carters Just One You: just slightly larger than standard carters items
Circo: tends to be smaller than Carters, these should be worn about a month before baby fits in the same size in Carters.
Geranimals: A bit larger than Carters Just One You.
Gerber: is WAY smaller than the rest. I found their 18 month to be about the size of most 6-9 mo clothes. Their 6-9 mo onesies were basically newborn size.

Nursing pillows

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Boppy vs My Brest Friend*

I initially refused to even look at the 'My Brest Friend' because the name is SO ridiculous! I find that the Boppy is easier to remove, wash & replace the cover. However, the My Brest Friend pillow is much better in many ways. First, it provides an elevated surface so that Baby's head is raised while eating. This essentially allows you to feed hands free. It also supports your back while nursing. I was gifted the Friend pillow when I complained of sore wrists from holding my heavy baby while nursing & it has been helpful in alleviating that pain. It also has a pocket. It is too bad the pocket has such strong velcro- it wakes a sleeping baby & distracts an older baby. Another downside is that you buckle yourself in- which can make quick transitions a little tricky. The Boppy can be used as a pillow for babies to sit in or lean over as they get older, I find that my babe is not interested in that at all.

*The reality is that in most cases, a normal pillow slid under your elbow/babe's head will do just fine. Also, a rocking glider with arm rests & padding is ideal for nursing. My Pediatricians have one in their office & it provides nice arm support & makes standing up with babes in arms easier than a standard couch or lazyboy. It is also a very cozy chair that enables Mom to rest during those early months when Baby wants to feed often during the night. These rocker gliders are SO comfortable.

Baby Got Back

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This little baby is pretty seriously moving around and we're getting ready meet face to face. With just a little more than two weeks until the due date I find myself very excited and just a little anxious (I won't go into bike trip analogies again, but...). While pregnancy has NOT graced me with increased patience, I have found that I am happier in general. Note that I did not say comfortable! These pregnancy hormones make me laugh and smile and feel good most of the time. I am going to miss that...
We've got the suitcase packed, the car seat in place, the baby room/library is all set. My sister will be in town in a week... Baby Day is will soon be here. Some days I'm eager for everything to get started, and some days I'm totally content to enjoy the freedom and ease of my pre-baby summer holiday.

My due date is one month from today; about 4 & 1/2 weeks. I know that if I keep counting like this I will drive myself crazy, and a late baby would be really tough to 'wait' for. So... I'm trying to not count the weeks and days. I'm pretty good about not counting down to the end of the school year. I hope that skill is transferable to this situation. I've got some small projects around the house to work on and some books to read. These will help distract me. I've considered how pregnancy is analogous to a bike trip. I think the passage of time is a good example of that. When you are half way done, you've gone a far way, but you've still got a long way to go. And then you get to 3/4 of the way done and it seems like time has flown and you can't believe how far you've gone & how close you are to the end. And as you go that last 1/4 of the way you start to reminisce at the same time as you begin planning what you might do when you are done. And those last few days you do everything you can to hold on to the experience & enjoy it because it would be easy to miss the scenery for looking forward to the destination. The end is always bittersweet. So, I'm going to try to enjoy this last leg of the journey.

This little baby has turned head down and I can definitely feel the added pressure to my stomach, back & bladder! This little one moves fairly regularly throughout the day, almost like clock work. We've set up the 'nursery' - which means that our library now has a crib and changing table/dresser in it :) I am enjoying imagining who this little one will be.

When Expecting...

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This post is a list of things that are likely to become challenging, to varying degrees & for various lengths of time, at some point during pregnancy.

eating in restaurants
deciding what to eat
brushing your teeth (without inducing vomiting)
putting on socks & shoes
staying awake
paying attention
caring about other people
clipping your toenails
bathing- including wiping your *$$ and shaving
standing up
standing still,
and therefore cooking
making decisions
simple mathematics
managing heat
feeling attractive
controlling/managing emotions
hand eye coordination
remembering things
carrying stuff
walking up minor inclines & hills
bowel movements
being on time
being polite
being patient
waiting in line
controlling you bladder when you walk, laugh, sneeze...

I'm surrounded by experts!

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When it comes to being pregnant, everyone is an expert. They have some anecdote to prove it. Witnessing the pregnancy of a spouse, mother or cousin (no matter how long ago) gives folks boundless knowledge on the subject. Everyone is eager and willing to tell me just what to do in pregnancy. I had a co-worker tell me, in the same breath, that I was sleeping with too few and too many pillows.

These experts are very well informed. I have students who have literally saved my unborn child's life! My favorite tidbit of information from the experts I come across on a daily basis is that raising my arms above my head tightens the umbilical cord. I could choke my baby!

While attempting to get the wee one to move around (poking my stomach), I heard another student mutter, "She's going to kill that baby." If it was that easy two things would be true.

1. We'd be in trouble as a species...
2. We would not have heated national/political debates about the legality of medical abortions.

I don't normally try to 'wake up' the baby - and frankly it doesn't work- but I'm quite certain that this system has been fine tuned. This baby is comfortable, content, and growing.

We're talking about a baby that is just under 3 pounds, is head up at 30 weeks, and is pretty gentle with the movement. Studies monitoring movement in utero, and again in childhood, show that these two things have a high correlation. I know that's not a lot to go on, but I feel like I'm getting to know my baby a little bit. It's like having a clue to the chili pepper's personality. A little piece of information to give detail to my imaginings about our future.

Punch Drunk Love

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Being pregnant in the third (and perhaps second) trimester is a little bit like being drunk. I'm thirsty and clumsy pretty much all the time.

In the last week I've noticed a significant change in the movements of this little chili pepper growing within. According to the internet, this wee one is close to 3 pounds and is about 16 inches long. So, it's close to it's full length, and will be plumping up for the next 8-12 weeks. I'm due in 10, and assuming that I'll likely deliver within two weeks of that date. I'm trying to mentally prepare for 12 so that it will be a bit easier to bare if the little chili pepper wants more time in the oven, especially in August!

Wide Awake & Crunchy

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I am wide awake early in the morning. I think it was that cup of black tea at 8pm - I usually do decaf these days... I am feeling the baby moving within, and sometimes, probably when limbs flail, it feels a little like there is popcorn popping inside of me! I am generally feeling pretty good these days, and feeling the baby more is really exciting. Eric felt the baby kicking the other day - though this type of noticeable from the outside movement is rare.
I've been reading up on a diaper philosophy that includes potty training from birth. I'm not sure to what degree I'll use it - but I find it very interesting. It's based on what folks do around the globe (and have done for ages) where disposable and cloth diapers are not as accessible. I like the philosophy and results- communicate with your child & happier/speedier potty training.


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I am training to compete in a one mile swim at the end of February. When I first found out I was pregnant I found myself feeling similar to a Mama whale, taking my baby for a swim in the pool. Swimming is great pregnant person exercise, and I love it. I do have to make sure that I bring water, and to eat plenty before swimming, and also to bring snacks for right after. Last week I had to stop swimming early because I was just SO hungry!

I also find myself reverting to childlike eating habits (no, I'm not eating with my fingers...much). For example, I don't like sauce on my pasta, don't really like meat much, and I find myself having to remember to chew. I'm not kidding! I will be eating a banana or some mashed potatoes and realize that I have food sitting in my cheek pockets and what in the world happened that I forgot to keep chewing? Weird!

I have been able to get almost all my maternity clothes without having to shop (which I Abhor). Now we are looking into things like cloth diapers vs disposable and which type...
I am very much looking forward to being a stay at home mom!
below is a pic of our first sonogram.
Thumbnail image for IMG_3861.JPG


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My mother died three years ago today. Today was also the day I first heard my baby's heartbeat. When we finally found the heart beat, I was elated. I could hear this tiny rapid heart beating within me. I think it is lovely that I have something so special and lovely to associate with the day that my mother passed.

In a less serious and more hilarious note, a young man saw me walk out of the midwife center ans started a friendly conversation that ultimately ended with, "so are you married or anything?" I had to smile. "Yes, honey. Didn't you notice I just came out of the midwife center? I'm pregnant." His response was a slow & surprised "daaaamn!"