I am wide awake early in the morning. I think it was that cup of black tea at 8pm - I usually do decaf these days... I am feeling the baby moving within, and sometimes, probably when limbs flail, it feels a little like there is popcorn popping inside of me! I am generally feeling pretty good these days, and feeling the baby more is really exciting. Eric felt the baby kicking the other day - though this type of noticeable from the outside movement is rare.
I've been reading up on a diaper philosophy that includes potty training from birth. I'm not sure to what degree I'll use it - but I find it very interesting. It's based on what folks do around the globe (and have done for ages) where disposable and cloth diapers are not as accessible. I like the philosophy and results- communicate with your child & happier/speedier potty training.
Wide Awake & Crunchy
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