Rochester NY Anti-Racist Movement

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I moved to Rochester New York in 2011. Racial Equity is becoming a highly discussed topic again (or maybe it always has been and I'm just getting connected to the discussion here in Rochester), and it is one I've always cared deeply about. This February I attended a group discussion at the Brighton public library about Race. It was really exciting to see a diverse group of people there. It was especially significant to see people in positions of power- including our Town Supervisor (our elected Mayor-like position) Bill Moehle as well as representation from the Police Department. The conversation was powerful, and at times uncomfortable. But that might even be the point. Get uncomfortable, be vulnerable, listen, and learn from those around you. It was a nice beginning for my re-entry into the world outside my home. I've spent the last three years at home raising my lovely three year old. I intend to continue to do so. But I'm ready to get involved in the community again as well. As my father would say, I'm ready to "get my head out of the sand".
From that meeting I got connected to a lot of organizations that are working toward racial equality here in Rochester. I'm listing them below and I hope you'll take a moment to look at these organizations online and consider getting involved in one or more of them.

You can learn more about FREE at the link below:

ACT Rochester also had a hand in creating FREE and supporting this summit on Race You can read more about ACT here:

Here is a great place to read feature articles and blog posts about Issues of Race and Equity in Rochester NY

And here is yet another organization involved in equity for Rochester residents- Metro Justice

There is a local National Coalition Building Institute in Rochester- yet anotherorganization fighting racism in Rochester

The local YWCA is also active in the anti-racist movement

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