I have stayed up late the last two nights knitting with friends. My mother taught me long ago, and when I tried to pearl as well she said "I think you should wait until I have more time to teach you." Well, we never did get around to that- but the muscle memory was there- and it was not difficult to get back into the swing of things. My mother would knitin the car, while wtching TV- which is probably why she could never remember the ending to mystery shows she'd watched before. Of course - she was like that with jokes too. She's get half way through a joke and forget the punch line. Not always - but often enough that it stands out in my memory.
Knitting etc
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Yes her knitting was remarkable/ I am certain God now knows how to make a mobious(spelling?) I do hope all the things hse made me in the last two years will last forever.
Yes her knitting was remarkable/ I am certain God now knows how to make a mobious(spelling?) I do hope all the things she made me in the last two years will last forever.
yay knitting, I'm working on a sock as I read your blog
I'm just really not a knitter. I'm by very patient, my hands hurt and I forget how to cast on and off 5 minutes after I finished.
Papa, I'm with you. But I wear then tons - I don't want to just stare at them.