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three hour commute to work
bad traffic day
snow starts falling

Leave work to pick up babe in toyland
three inches of snow
on the hilly road
taxi swerving in the valley
breaks don't respond
stearing downhill
swerve to avoid crash
stuck in a ditch
also sticking out on the road

people stop and offer help
insurance card is in my stolen wallet
not in my car

baby crying
other cars sliding around
shit- that truck is huge
van stops mid hill to offer help
gets stuck
hits me

no damgage
to car or people

snow plow coming down opposite hill
facing me
loses control
gets back on the road
passes me slightly
is uphill behind us
loses control
slides backwards

grab baby
run into woods

plow is huge
regains control
dumps salt
moves on

neighbor invites us in
no one is hurt
car is towed out

drive up the hill
into the drive way
get stuck
boss mom pushes my car to get up the hill

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Frankly, Rae, I find this perfectly hair-raising! I am so glad everyone is okay. I love you too much.

Yikes, that's a bad day! These sharp words have stuck with me since I read them a few days ago; very scary imagery. I'm glad you and the baby got out of it without injury!

I do so think there are certain days when we should all just stay home, enjoy a nice cuppa tea, a good book, a cozy chair and the beautiful snow falling outside the window!