Letter to my previous co workers

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Dear Friends,
Many of you requested that I keep you informed as to what I'm up to. I recently acquired a position as a nanny for a family with the $$ to pay me nearly as well as Fairfax County. There is a 7 month old and three year old girl. The family is very friendly, and works with a responsive classroom sort of philosophy in terms of behavior. I've always wanted to stay home when I have my children, and this will be great preparation. I'll be taking a month off in July, as planned, to go to Argentina. I hope you are all enjoying the school year. I've enjoyed working with you. Keep in touch.
For those who are wondering, I suspect that I won't be leaving the public realm of teaching permanently. But it may be many years before I return. Best wishes!

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Hey Rae!

That's great that you've found something that is in preparation for what you want to do with your kids. You'll be like Julie Andrews as Maria in the Sound of Music; the Governess with Finesse! I can't quite see you breaking sporadically into song but I may be wrong.

Talk to you soon,



Well, I might break into song- but it won't be as complex or beautigul. Most little chidren love to sing, and don't seem to mind when adults sing fun songs poorly.