Titles of entries to come

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Some of these are self explanatory. Most of these I intend to actually blog about when I have time...

R. T. Bean conquers the HILL

Camping in the Cemetary

Biking with Boys

Intercourse, Stickiness and Butt Masages

The Peg, or The Broken Pedal

Meeting the Amish

The Earwig Invasion

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Sounds like you definitely have something to say about biking with boys :-) Hmm, might a toilet ritual difference be a part of it by any chance?

Can't wait to hear more about your trip!

Sounds like an eventful trip! I can't wait to hear more.

It just sounds so good. I was thinking about the titles while showeting and that one- as well as the cemetary one- particularly tickled me. I hadn't realized I put it twice. I got too excited by the alliteration:)