Honeydew Green Tea

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Honeydew melon, cut into strips or shaved
6 bags of green tea
1 gallon of water
clover or mesquite honey to tase

Place melon in bottom of a larger pitcher. Arrange teabags around the edges of the container (for easy removal).

Heat the water until boiling. Pour over melon and teabags. Steep 3-5 minutes. Remove tebags and add honey. Serve hot or cold.

To make sun-tea do not boil the water. Instead add water and set outside for 4-6 hours on a warm day.

I can't drink this. . . well, I probably could but I also probably won't seeing as I am allergic to cantalope and honeydew and mango. I can eat them in little bits and I'll be fine- but I am not going to risk handling them. The results are not good. I hope someone out there is able to enjoy this.

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Wow! I'll try it!!! Looks so yummy! Maman sent me some white tea - I'll try it with that.

What if you substituted another fruit - like plum, for instance?

p.s. I got myself a super pink frame & put the pic of us dancing in our wedding gowns in it :) Then I got the pic of you and me just standing together, cut it down, cut down a wedding pic of me and Mark & put the pics together and framed those too. Thanks for sending me those pictures!

Hey, no prob. I'm finally getting around to making my wedding album these days. It should be done in time for you to see it at Thanksgiving.

Sounds good. I think. I don't really like green tea, but I think I should. I love honeydew. Are you sure it is honeydew you are allergic to? I think it is mango. I would appreciate it if you could narrow it down so I don't include any of those fruits in the wedding fruit salad.

it is definitely cantalope and mango. I am not interested in eating enough honeydew to make myself breakout, though I understand your position. Put whatever you want in the salad. I can eat around it as long as those three fruits don't make up the majority of the salad. I could even drink the tea if someone else made it for me. I just happen to know that handling mango makes me break out so I have made it a policy not to handle other fruits that have caused me to break out from ingesting them.

I'll definitly skip the cantaloupe -- I'm not that fond of it unless it is midsummer, dead ripe and bought off a truck on the side of the road in Maryland, straight from the farm. Oh, and the seller has to be black. Don't ask me why, this just is the way it has to be. And I don't do much mango, especially for large groups. They are so messy and frustrating, as much as I like them.

Dear Rae,
I bought a honeydew to make this recipe. Then I ran out of time and had a honeydew. Only Daddy is allergic, Kristen doesn't like them and Mensch is 'not crazy about them.' Which left me with a lot of honeydew. I still have some left, so I might try making an abbreviated version.

I made this and drank nearly the whole thing - I LOVE it!! It was so super yummy!!!

I had it as iced tea, used decaf white tea (as it's what I had) & added about a tablespoon of brown sugar to it. MMMMMMMMMM!!!! So yummy!

Actually, I'm not a huge fan of honeydew either. But the drink is really yummy!