Okay, so it may seem rather morose, but this is one of my favorites pictures from Scotland. I've been thinking about death lately, mopre specifically how I want my funeral to be, etc. Not that I'm planning or expecting to die any time soon, it's just been on my mind. I've thought that I would be generally happy to be pushing daisies, as the saying goes. Food for worms is a bit more icky way of saying the same thing...that new life will be generated as a direct result of the end of my life... Reincarnation.
Pushing Daisies
Okay, so it may seem rather morose, but this is one of my favorites pictures from Scotland. I've been thinking about death lately, mopre specifically how I want my funeral to be, etc. Not that I'm planning or expecting to die any time soon, it's just been on my mind. I've thought that I would be generally happy to be pushing daisies, as the saying goes. Food for worms is a bit more icky way of saying the same thing...that new life will be generated as a direct result of the end of my life... Reincarnation.
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Another expample of your awesome eye! Great photo. Did I tell you that my personal tech gnome (he lives in the basement) says there may be a cable (not from your phone company) whereby you can download photos from your phone without paying for the emial service? I think that would be great. I love the photos you take with your phone. They have such great immediacy. (They are so spontaneous?)
Userful blog. Thanks!