Trash piled high in mountains

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T in the Park was mingin' after just one day; after three days of depositing trash outside it was stupefying.

Part of what made it so difficult to understand was that, in the course of a day, you were guaranteed to have to walk past a huge dumpster into which you could put your trash.

When Roddy and I left, we took pictures that showed the difference between us and them.

Roddy and I were a bit older than the average age. As in nearly twice it.

We're also both experienced campers; most of the folks are there to camp because it's easier to play musical beds. Which is not why Roddy and I were there at all. Really.

Any way, this is what our neighbors campsite looked like.


And this is what our campsite looked like. These pictures were taken five seconds apart.

Our shit didn't stink, either.

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By the way, that's Roddy. Roddy's the kind of guy that you want on your side in a fight.

your neighbors tent area looks like our townhouse a week ago. We just had so much trash laying around. We finally went crazy and took out all the garbage to prevent further outbreaks of crazy!

Nae, It looks like the trash was afraid of Roddy, so it jumped into the can all by itself!
Rae, was that inside or outside your townhouse?

inside! Sorta still does:)

Moving is challenging. We are still working on Gramma and Grampa's. Aunt Suellen and I took out boxes and boxes yesterday. And we aren't even going to talk about my attic! or basement...or front room... or desk... well, you get the picture.

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Anyone above who referred to themselves as an American, think about what you say, as I will refer to myself as a U.S. citizen.

Built on smooth surfaces, axles and mini-shorts. People want the feeling of incredible lightness, softness and elasticity to this type of footwear. In addition, built luxury sheepskin perfect barrier against moisture and cold.

I am not really fantastic with English but I come up this real easy to interpret .

read five times , laughed for three days
1. a woman to take the counterfeit Mai Zaodian , hawker angry, very serious, said: Sister , you give counterfeit no problem , at least plates Well, you actually draw this money !

2. even one step back , draw no problem, you are to draw a ten , and five of both lines , right? You draw a seven returned to the !

3. seven on seven right , do not say , at least they have painted in color , ah, actually - with a pencil ! Well, I put up ~ ! Black and white on black and white !

4. that toilet paper can not draw ah ! Too - feel worse . Even toilet paper, I believe it!

5. you get to be cut with scissors to edge together , ah , this with Shredded , the flash is too exaggerated . OK , I do not want to say a flash

6. Can you tear a rectangular ah ! The triangle will be justified now!

who read this joke reproduced in this life will be smooth sailing , two dragon off , Sanyangkaitai , Four Seasons peace, Five Blessings , Double Six , Seven is shining, all directions to the Finance , ninety- concentric , perfect , Pepsi Huntoon , a thousand things auspicious and good luck ! Not reproduced on the contrary ! No way, I also turn !

Here is the legendary counterfeit money goes !

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remember point determination

Moonlight, suspected ground frost, I raise my eyes to the moon, my name is Guo Degang.

Many people, ah, I am very pleased. Thank you for coming. Later the finish at all do not go, go eat. Who is going to those who pay.
listen comic XX booing sixteen thousand. And then laugh more money.

ah ~ ~ you do not know me? my artists ah! I have the artist more than a week of ... ...

old man left behind a total of more than a thousand traditional dialogue segment, after all these years we cast keep it up, and now, they have basically lost the ... ...
moonset Wu Ti frost sky, Jiang Feng fishing boat on the melancholy sleep,monster beats by dr dre headphones, Suzhou Cold Mountain Temple outside the city, you have to go buy a ticket ...

Kuteng faint crow trees, small bridges people. Road westerly skinny horse, sunset, heartbroken people ~ ~ ~ in the hospital, ... intestines are not cut off to the hospital! ... ... Tampering with the poetry I was the first master .

said today that this story, ah, not far from now, the family can go back and ask the elderly in the Spring and Autumn Period
--- ah ... ...
law-abiding Zhao Zhao depressed, Qiang LIANG song every night, selfish riding mules, integrity and fair hungry. Blind repair bridges and roads, set fire to kill more children, I asked the Buddha to the Western Paradise, Buddha said : I Mozhe!
Walked, hey, a question mark before the edges of a child, Liu Bei, a jump Lenz, on the rice to eat, that stuff Cishi, carry the time. Sometimes to the background, ready to drink Di Liu jin cut cake with ... ...

field left a tooth for a Seya --- eat lotus root!

Table where four dishes, open the first look, ha! nice! Laocu peanuts! to open the second, the better! Laocu peanuts! third open, peanuts, not vinegar! fourth saw a vinegar!
to a steak, do not put beef ah, I love to eat onions, put onions and more ah!

I am a rich man. Today background, as I drove past, they walked past, Tianjin that several old man, marked Tuesday began to go. But my car ah, recently something wrong, speed a bit slow. Start Yeah, I thought it was dirty carburetor
a check ah know, is a pedal out ... ...

comic show that you listen to patriotic. Our neighbors have a child , will seventy-eight foreign country, then what in English, Japanese, Korean, language Yugoslavia, North Slavic, Francis Ralph language ... ... Anyway, sit together with the Boxer Rebellion against the squalling No problem! He said with You go listen to crosstalk. You sing the music that he was wrong! people came the biggest names in children, ah ~ ~ ~, to sing a child, over and over is over, the back-pedal bicycle child home .. . We comedian not, ah, two large living Station here - - say twenty minutes, a music not! how walked down her face?
say we fell in love with television comic. Why? Say ah! Director who led the applause arrangements. Took office, holding the main speaker of: a word children a drum ah!)

a dollar six hand grenades, I will throw you a hundred dollars.

br> US Admiral James Cpl.

not blocked lives on his door, the lock did not resist him, he is the bank's safety lock can get it bypassed the root of celery.

President Bush has a secretary called the Wealthy.

Shangkang know bitch Xiakang know shoes.

scientists will be martial arts, rogue can not hold back.
you have not seen my wife, beautiful! Big tall, big face plates, heavy black eyebrows, big eyes shiny. She was not a beard, have a beard like with Zhang Fei.

pulled out a gold pen, the shining scintillating, cold dense stunning appalled.
This aircraft is also diesel.

- just brush the paste.

the White House door stood twenty-come, men are woman, get the bag ready - the correspondents it!
I have to say watch out, do not be caught what they handle, lost the Chinese people's faces. Go down a group of people all over: the You say why the White House Department of Cultural Affairs are to eat.
White House inside a rockery, following a banner: family planning is everyone's responsibility.

comic show that you listen to patriotic.
Our neighbors have a child, will seventy-eight foreign country, then what in English, Japanese, Korean, language Yugoslavia, North Slavic, Francis Ralph language ... ... Anyway, sit together with the Boxer Rebellion against the squalling curse and a half hours without re-sample of.

all right with rice pancakes to eat on bread volume.

What is impregnable, which is called iron pants are hanging out.

I take ginger rice hacked you!

Jinzun teacher's teachings, whenever you hear these words a just, I was on the V to the emotion, hoping to find a vicious die with him.
you shameless young I look great charm.

disco dancing down to one day master.

accidentally hit his young daughter, confidante, from the moment I saw her, the master knows the end of his career in rivers and lakes. Destined to leave the white snow to come and go like the wind these days, old age of 87-year-old to wear a wig to flee resolutely go. If the two conditions dependent

blessing in Pig fleshy.

Tieling several stations in the United States short of it!
live in a house full of holes, the rain count to the pro-life, light rain outside the house to moderate rain, heavy rain outside the house storm, and sometimes the rain is too great, the whole family to go on the street, rain ... ...

your physical good, to see that a Zhuner live to die.

> It is the long-awaited advertising time .

you do not want to drink good tea, it? The Yunnan-Guizhou shoe shop specialty tea ... ...
spring night a group of 140 people comic monologues ... ...

primary school years, school years, I was named the school's most familiar faces, new teachers I have come to find inside ... ...

inquire into the station did not vote, thanks to my girlfriend, find a police asked: to find what!

cold weather, and to send you a coat, a post office that is too heavy, I'll put down the fastener hinge pocket. there is a special dog cute, big name Tibetan mastiff ... ...

else do not ask, you have to have educational significance of our comic, what! Acrobatics, five men riding a bicycle, you are violating traffic rules you know!

moon cake in his hand does not tell the teacher, you do not respect for teachers, was established in the past that cut no amnesty!

ah? You do not know me? I am the artist ah! I have the artist more than a week of ... ...

table where four dishes, open the first one to see, Oh! Nice! Laocu peanuts ! Open the second, the better! Laocu peanuts! The third open, peanuts, not vinegar! The fourth saw a vinegar!
opened it, all the money! Gold and silver, diamonds, the smallest piece of catty ... ...

I also bought a car specifically
- Alto! Fifty with wire to string together, like opening up with the train.

this guy looks, face block with an actor like ... ...

everyone is willing to listen to, ah, is willing to listen to, ah, ah still willing to listen? I will not insist!
Thank God has given me the Luzhu.

this brain child ren on pine large stature, open the skull to look, a bowl of Luzhu.

Simon Daguan Ren children and lotus very sincere love.

you must be willing to die, I would be willing to bury.

difficult to help, have no difficulty make it difficult to help.

girl turned around, Lelong four stalk their hair.
dentures do not throw it, there are used, fasten the sticks when the itch scratch the root handle.

walked, hey, a question mark before the edges of a child, Liu Bei, a jump also move forward, there is a, a question mark children, touch, out of a flower, eating flowers, Liu Bei, raising his hand, come ... ...

you What's your name? Ah ! What's your name? Do not say ah! You say it is squalling it!
armpits are cumin flavor.

his sword is cold, and his knife is cold, his heart is cold, his blood is cold ... this grandson freeze on!

out Interpol scene. One dead, dismemberment. Captain said:

plasma TV, I get one, find a friend to save me. A wall so much! Large TV, Motorola brand children's! No one ... I watched a TV out of sound: you have to watch TV out of service!

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