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In London

I'm in London, representing my employer at a vendor advisory council.

But I'm also visiting Keith. And it's great to see him again.

I've decided to sell my condominium in America. It just makes sense.

It's costing me a bundle to keep the condo in America and it's costing me an equal bundle to rent a flat in Edinburgh.

If I sell the flat in America, I can buy a place in Edinburgh and pay neither rent nor mortgage - or pay a small mortgage.

The difference is enormous.

In other news, Josh Kaminoff is going to Iraq. I have mixed feelings about this. He's wanted to go for a long time, but, selfishly, I'd rather he be a bit disappointed but safe for Zack and Steph.


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So, are you a resident alien (insert equivalent UK terminology), a dual citizenship holder, or what?

Any plans to return to the States?

I'm pretty sure he will return from time to time, if only to visit his "dying mother." And I am taking my sweet time doing it, insuring lots of visits.

Hey, FS!

I'm a work permit holder, sort of like a restricted green card. I'm working on my Indefinite Leave to Remain, which is the equivalent of a resident alien.

I'll return from time to time, but doubt I'll live permanently in the States again. Maybe if it changes. The U.S. is a painful place to live right now. The new laws are making us considerably less safe and more open to exploitation and attack - but we're being brainwashed to believe that's what's good for us. It's a lie.

Hi, Maman!

You had a computer question for me - why not email it? I'll read it and answer it.

- Nathan

Thanks for the concern, Nate. I'll be fine. When I get back, I'm going to start a consulting firm with Kris Hurley doing law enforcement and military mobile training and vulnerability assessments.

There are several clips of Zack on youtube. Here's one of him doing rifle manual. Enjoy.


Josh, long time no see. Godspeed.

I guess we all 'ave a philosophy on where is best to live. I grew up during rather violent race riots and anti-war sentiments with rioting and burning cities. It seems so much better than then. Still living overseas where so many hate Americans seems something I am not ready to do. I suppose it is a very unsteady existence for most folks these days.
Peaceful co-existence is a wonderful fantasy.

You are selling your condo at a good time. The market here has picked back up a bit. Do you have an agent? Or a prospective buyer lined up? (Like, any of the guys who are living there now?)

Hey, Merseydotes!

That is great news; one of my fears was that I'd lose my shirt on the sale.

I don't have a prospective buyer; I'm going to talk it over with the guys who live there when I get back. I'd love to sell it to one of them. It would feel a little like it was staying in the family.

I need an agent; do you have one you could recommend?

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