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Trash piled high in mountains

T in the Park was mingin' after just one day; after three days of depositing trash outside it was stupefying.

Part of what made it so difficult to understand was that, in the course of a day, you were guaranteed to have to walk past a huge dumpster into which you could put your trash.

When Roddy and I left, we took pictures that showed the difference between us and them.

Roddy and I were a bit older than the average age. As in nearly twice it.

We're also both experienced campers; most of the folks are there to camp because it's easier to play musical beds. Which is not why Roddy and I were there at all. Really.

Any way, this is what our neighbors campsite looked like.


And this is what our campsite looked like. These pictures were taken five seconds apart.

Our shit didn't stink, either.


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By the way, that's Roddy. Roddy's the kind of guy that you want on your side in a fight.

your neighbors tent area looks like our townhouse a week ago. We just had so much trash laying around. We finally went crazy and took out all the garbage to prevent further outbreaks of crazy!

Nae, It looks like the trash was afraid of Roddy, so it jumped into the can all by itself!
Rae, was that inside or outside your townhouse?

inside! Sorta still does:)

Moving is challenging. We are still working on Gramma and Grampa's. Aunt Suellen and I took out boxes and boxes yesterday. And we aren't even going to talk about my attic! or basement...or front room... or desk... well, you get the picture.

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