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Picture of Ange

Hey, guys! Here's a picture of Ange, since she's been posting and, while Rae and Mensch know who she is, Maman & Papa have never met her - and I don't think Mara has, either.

Check out the Chest Puppies on this Hottie!

Ange and I were in the Marine Corps together, and the Marine Corps forges a special bond between people that seems to last a long time, or at least until one of them clumsily tries to have drunken sex with the other one's cat on Halloween. Not that I'm speaking from experience, I'm just saying, you know, that would about end it.


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Thank God that wasn't me or my cat for that matter!

Rowr! Oh, come on, you know Leila wants it!

I don't even know what to say to that..........next time you visit I am going to put Leila in hiding.

Here, kitty kitty kitty! Here, kitty kitty kitty!

More information than I want to know. Remember, you invited me to share your blog.

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