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Hey, Check out what I learned from Rahmat!

Nifty, eh?

Okay, you may not see any change. If that's the case, go empty your browser cache and then reload my site.

Why? Well, Rahmat has been teaching me about Cascading Style Sheets - and you'll notice that his Blog looked much, much prettier than the rest of us.

If anyone is interested in figuring out how to make their site look different, drop me a line here and I'll put up instructions.


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yeah, actually, i'd just like to be able to contact rahmat. but, if you would post cool hints about html that might remind some of us i would appreciate it.

Sure thing! Can you see the changes? I've rejiggered the Blog so it will show up in different colors.

Yes, it is too cool for words. But I'm not sure I really like it. It seems somehow, pretentious and self-consious.

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