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4:46 am

The sun is up.

Not just a little up, all the way fully up and shining in my bedroom window.

I cannot sleep.

It always gets like this in Edinburgh in the summer - there is maybe an hour or half an hour of real darkness, and the rest of the time is nautical twilight.

I'm getting six or so hours of sleep and it's driving me crazy.


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Just thinking about this makes me groggy. I'm sorry Nae. i can sympathize what it's like to get low quality retarded sleep. for about the past two weeks i've not been sleeping very well either. in about a month, though, you'll have more dark and in six months you'll have so much dark you wish you had the twighlight.


I suppose that's true!

I'll have to take a picture of the sun coming up with the timestamp bit on my camera some weekend.


I also realized that today is the longest day of the year here, so it's no wonder that the sun is up so early. In fact, it never really sets...just gets really low and then pops back up.

Nathan, sweetheart, I hate to be patronizing, but really, although the sun rises far before I do, it bugs me none because I have curtains in my windows to keep it out. Although, if curtains aren't your style, anything would work, and while Martha Stewart would have you executed for it, I'm sure newspaper or cardboard would even do the trick, if you weren't inclined to install blinds or something related.
; )
but, I'm sorry to hear that you're deprived. Maybe a good cup of coffee would make you feel better about it? : )

Hey, Kristen!

I have blinds. They're not, um, blinding enough to keep out all of the sun; the room becomes substantially darker once the sun is up. The general wakening of the fauna and the accompanying noise adds to the general feeling of "I should be up."

But thanks for the tip! I'll try this blackout blind. Oddly, you can still buy blackout blinds in Edinburgh, an artifact leftover from WWII that people still find useful...

By the way, when is the big move? Is the big move really happening? and don't forget to send me your new address, just in case I want to send you a letter or package of home-baked cookies.

Ha! maman, send a package of home baked cookies. Nae if you ever get one let me know. it will truly show that you're the favorite. Maman would barely even send me money in Gambia, let alone an actual letter. either one would be spoiling you.


Alright, "Contact Lenses", what are you up to? None of the links worked, and yes, I tried them ALL.

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