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Carol is leaving

Carol leaves today. It's Friday, February 27th and Ayyam'i'ha has begun.

I'm miserable.

Carol is travelling the world. She's spending a year visiting South America, Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, and basically anywhere where it's warm and sunny and filled with tanned, buff men.

We're breaking up for the duration, with the intent of getting back together when she returns. I'm sad. And lonely. And she's right here next to me.

She says she'll be back in September, so it's not for a whole year. Oh, and I'm coming to visit! I had no idea...

Anyway, here's a picture of the two of us, happy. I'll surf to it and look at it when I'm feeling lonely.

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Also, it's Ayyam'i'ha! Happy Intercalary Days to Baha'is everywhere!

There's a great explanation of Ayyam'i'ha and the history of the celebration on my sisters excellent 'blog, here.

But a happy Ayyam'i'ha to my parents and Mara and Mendon, my Aunt Suellen and Uncle Gene and Baha'is everywhere!

It's a time of general happiness, similar in nature to Pancake Tuesday, or Shrove Tuesday, which was last Tuesday; they're very close to each other this year. Shrove Tuesday is still big in Scotland and folks get together and eat pancakes as part of the Lenten preparation.



Dear Nae,

Sorry ... I know it royally sucks to be left behind. I promise I've learned my lesson, and will not do it to my husband anymore. ;-)

To Carol: I hope you have a rockin' trip!! I know we haven't spent much time together, and therefore, haven't been able to get to know each other very well, but I think you are way cool, and, well, erm ... wouldn't mind being related to you :-) [okay, I'm evil - sorry! I am Nathan's sister...]

Anyway, definitely make Nathan visit you. I think it would do him well to hang around tanned and buff men, too.

In the mean time, Nae, we'd love to come visit you at the end of April ... so let's talk details to see if it'll be possible?

Big hugs, kisses and Kleenex tissues with lotion!

hey there
Thanks for the vote of confidence Mara--much appreciated
We both know it's going to be tough but are full sure we'll get through it just fine
i think a trip to Edinburgh by you and Mark is a great idea---Nathan's got a new bachelor pad that he's dying to show off!(he'll kill me for that!)
keep in touch

Dear Carol,

Absolutely! Will you be writing periodically to fill us all in on what fabulous experiences you're having? If you'll be sending group updates, please put me on your list! (lafeministe@healthechange.com)

Thanks! Cheers, Mara

Wow. I'm sitting here at home feeling sorry for myself because none of my children are home (though we did see Rae and Eric) for Ayyam'i'ha. And you are all 'there', also wishing you were here! (Mendon too. He's written to me.) I am sorry we are apart. I miss you all too. More later. A meeting calls.

I made strawberry pancakes the other day cause we had leftover strawberries that were beginning to be more than ripe. They were a successful experiment.

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