December 31, 2005

As per request

common theme.jpg
A nice view of the Arc gardens, the archives building, and the shrine of the Bab

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The archive sunburst up a little closer


A view from the Arc of the international teaching center, the gardens, and steps leading down to the monument gardens and the lesser archives that will soon be transformed into the library in the future


The ugliest dog I've ever seen. It should be against the law!
Me looking happy in Haifa
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Terrace fountains at night. Very cool.
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A view of Haifa Harbor from Mara and Mark's flat, which is situated between the lower terraces and the upper terraces
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Mara and Mark took us to lunch on the rainiest day that I've seen since Gambia. It w as awesome. See Kristen's blog for more details:)
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Akka, Akko, Acco, Acre (however you want to spell it) radiating light. The very nature of this photograph is a mixture of coolness and dumb luck.
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A picture of one of my favoritest geese
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What you can't see is that it's forty-five degrees out, rather windy, and the guy is completely insane
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The Bahai Ringstone Symbol decorating the shrine of the Bab
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Looking down the terraces from the terrace just below the Shrine of the Bab
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The main fountain on the first terrace. This terrace is the only terrace that is open to Israelis after 1 PM. According to Bahai's at the center, it is a popular photography location for newly weds of every background.
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This is a recently constructed guard house at Bahji. Mara denies that that is its name but I'm pretty sure that that's what it is called. Perhaps it could be said to be an ornamental bridge. Either way, it is very beautiful.
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This is the cieling of the gate/bridge.
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This is the path that leads straight to the Shrine of Baha'u'llah. The gate that you can see in the distance is about half way. This is an amazing view that is likely to capture the breath of anyone if not inspire them with a feeling of awe and humility.
Whoa! Look at that shadow. This picture was taken by Kristen (as were many others, but this is a notabl piece of artwork).
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Guess whose feet are whose! I chose not to post any images of the shrine or the entrance because I do not feel it shows them the proper respect.
We went to dinner at Zozobra and got a little silly. What can I say? There was a lot of mercury in the food?

My new favorite picture of Kristen. Where are we? Who cares? Look at that awesome picture. Besides, this is Christian stuff, i'll leave it up to Kristen.
The shore of the Sea of Galilee. I don't know why it was so important for me to go down to the shore, to walk the beaches that Christ walked, but it was very important. Mark captured this beautiful image of the sea. I swear that I'm done posting about the Chrisian places. I figured that my grandmother would be proud to say that her grandchildren not only have a deeply profound place in their hearts for the Christ but that they also have visited some of the holiest Christian places in the world in a capacity that it is greater than that of tourist. My grandmother's spirituality is very important to me.

Posted by Mendon at December 31, 2005 3:34 PM

These are just awesome! Wow!

And, I'm glad the socks seem to fit.

Posted by: Ma at January 1, 2006 9:58 AM

Ma! He put all that hard work into posting the photos and the comment is "awesome"? Come on, you can do better! besides, these are some really awesome photos.

Mensch, major props. (hey, I'm trying to help, dude [he's been just a wee tad whiny about the lack of comments . . .])

Posted by: Mara at January 1, 2006 10:23 AM

Actually, i'm a wee tad whiny because, well, no one has read my previous blog and commented. The one where I talk about family unity. Not as popular as pretty pictures, I know. :)
p.s. Kristen took about two thirds of these photos. She's the special photographer! I'm usually too impatient to get good photos. It'll come in time.

Posted by: Mendon at January 1, 2006 11:24 AM

(Drew posted a link to your blog, so I figured I'd take a look) :D

These pictures are absolutely stunning! I'm especially fond of the picture Kristen took that has the shadow -it's so elegant. I also enjoy one of the crazy windsurfer, just because it made me giggle that someone would be so dedicated [or just crazy, take your pick, hehe].

Posted by: Erin Mohat at January 1, 2006 12:09 PM

Oh, I read the previous post and thought, 'Man, I don't want to touch that with a ten foot pole.' That's why no comments. And I really do (really, really) do think these photos are awesome. I'm quite jealous.

Posted by: Ma at January 1, 2006 12:13 PM

Fantastic, spectacular, outstanding, and many thanks for photos!! It gives me a much better understanding of some of the points of reference. And kudos to that photographer helper you have!
I'm out of the family discussions, but I've always seen families (mine included) where one kid gets reprimanded, or timed out and the other one cries for him/her. Very endearing ties between sibs.

Posted by: Momma Linda at January 1, 2006 11:07 PM

I absolutely love these pictures! They are gorgeous. I love that you threw in ugly dog pictures and goofy faces pictures amidst all the beautiful shrine/garden/landscape pictures. For some reason I like that a lot.

Posted by: Hayley at January 3, 2006 1:02 PM

Thanks, I personally thought that it was a very well put together collection of our experiences. Even our trip to Capernaum. It's really cool to have been to the Galilee, too.

Posted by: Mendon at January 3, 2006 3:34 PM

Word on the street is that you and your wife (that is still weird for me to say, I'm sure it's still weird for you to hear :) are on your way back. When you get back in town, give me a call; we'll talk about going back to Miami. My dad, for whatever reason (it's beyond me!), seems to enjoy playing the chauffeur. Good luck and hope you have a safe return.

Posted by: Hayley at January 6, 2006 1:33 AM