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We all froze. You could have heard a pin drop, even on the carpeted floor. We exchanged shocked expressions - did what I think just happened, just happen?

I thought, "holy crap! that's me!"

Then, my mother had the presence of mind to act. As she did, I thought, "of course! this is how we reinforce this behavior."

It was probably the most defining moment of motherhood for me thus far.

"What happened?", you ask?

Liam said "mama".



Are you shocked he's brilliant?

Hey, we are coming to the Land of Cleve next weekend. Drop me a line if you guys will be around (can't seem to find your email address). We'd love to meet Liam, etc.

Oh my goodness!!! He's becoming cuter each day, it seems, which in itself seems impossible, and he's already said mama? Awwww :)

OK, there are those goosebumps again . . . . . :) By the time I get to meet him, he'll probably be working on his thesis....


Mara, how exciting! Little Liam is growing so big! :o)

As for Leila's blog, I just wanted to let *you* know I was relieved to see I wasn't the only one who felt the exhaustion and such associated with the first weeks (and in some cases *months*) of parenthood. It was MUCH easier the second time around, just so you know. :o)

Mara!! This is soooooooo great!!!! Congratulations!! Let's see how long he takes to go from "mama" to "Mara" :-)

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