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A Girl's Got Ideas

You know that human tic-tac-toe game that's used for icebreakers? Someone fills in odd details of all the participants' lives (or makes obscure things up), and then everyone has to go talk to everyone else and find out who fits each description. That one.

Well, usually I would use "has three birth certificates". It was very effective at starting conversations.

And here, at the age of 30, I find out I've been lying. Shoot. No, I have F-O-U-R. My mother just sent me one I'd never seen or knew existed! I always thought my Falkland Island birth certificate was the letter from the governor. It's cool 'cause it doesn't admit my dad is my dad; at the end of the letter it simply states, in parentheses: (husband: Dustin Dale Dornbrook). I always thought that was funny. But on this birth certificate, which looks much more official, not only does it say he's my father (twice!), it states his profession (as opposed to his rank). It also asks for my name, and then in parentheses: (if any). Heheheh. I think that's funny, too. On top of that, all of my other birth certificates are from 1976, which in my utter uncoolness, I also thought was kind of cool because I was born in 1975. Yet here again - this one is dated 30 December.

Sigh. I'm glad to have it, don't get me wrong, but it did burst a few (very small) bubbles.


It may change things a bit, but doesn't make anything less cool. In fact, maybe even cooler, if possible.

I know what you mean. My whole self identity was blown out of the water when I discovered that I was in fact 5 feet, 8 and three quarters inches rather than 5 feet, nine and three quarters inches tall!

Was that a while ago, Rae? Yeah, I think I'm actually more like 'just under 5' 10"', but I say I'm 5'10"

I do appreciate you remaining the shortest in the family :-) You were extremely obedient when I asked you to stop growing!

Speaking of bubbles bursting, I was so dissappointed to have lost a half an inch. I am now only 5'9.5". You might get taller than me yet, Rae.

Dear Mara,
Thank you to you and Mark for the encouraging comments on my blog. I wasn't sure how to contact you while you're away. I haven't thought of anything you could get me from the UK, but it was really sweet of you to offer. If I think of something soon, I'll let you know. It sounds like you are having such a lovely trip, and the timing couldn't have been better, could it? I hope it'll all be nice and quiet before you come back.
Take care and enjoy yourselves.

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