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2,088 Days

This is for all of you who may be inclined to ask us how many days Mark and I have been married.

I know, I know, crazy, but it really is accurate give or take a few days. I calculated it last night.

Anywho, remember the photo of our dear friends Takhmina and Amir who recently got married? Well, we apparently resemble them (we think it's the happy smiley Filipino-ness) because yesterday we got asked "how many days have you been married now?" Hahahahaha! I don't think anyone ever confused me and Taha before her wedding!!!


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Is there any numerological significance to the number of days one has been wedded? Hmmmm....I wonder......what does it all mean?

Maybe you should plan something special for like 3,650 days. Or maybe go metric and do it for the big 3000. I am an American and any reason to party like a pageant works. Mryiads of kudos for keeping track!!!!!!

How many days have you been married? (that's a general question - not just to my father) :-)

it's in the negative for some of us

No, no, Lessan, it's just 'N(Y)A" : not (yet) applicable. :-)

Yeah, negative would mean how many days have you been divorced.

146 or 147 depending on when you look at this post and how you're counting:)

as of Ridvan 2006?


oooh la. quelle significant.

It seems that as of April 31st Mama & I will have been married 12,572 days....
Okay so what does it mean besides a long time....and a good time.....with good kids....
and many friends.....and many mown lawns,car washes,campings,fishing, etc.etc.etc.

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