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Who Does This Happen To?

Amina once told me about her aunt who, after quitting her 3rd job (as in, she was working 3 jobs), her eyesight improved so that she no longer needed glasses and her hair went from gray to black. You read that correctly, gray to black.

I always thought that that was a bit extreme and probably temporary at best.

So, here's what I want to know: did my eyesight really improve? really? I guess I'll find out shortly - when I start wearing my funk fresh new glasses! Can't wait!


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So what is meant by punk glasses? Oh I mean funk glasses. Will you have to hang out and slouch against walls? Or do you wear crenulated crinkle skirts with lacey white smocks and burn your hair straight? As you can see I have neau clue when it comes to funk. Show me some pics of funk. Maybe you cold have a party and skype us on webcam and I might see what it is all about. Hope your eyesight is just fine regardless!

I thoroughly enjoyed the interplay of this blog. Oh yeah!!!!! Aaaaaah, memories..........

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