My Parents Rock
As I sit here at the computer, looking out my window at the gray warships in the Haifa harbor, I know that my father has forever changed how I look out my window at the Haifa Bay. While he was here, every day he would point out the different types of ships in the harbor and bay. I hadn't even realized there was an Israeli navy contingency here! I think of him every time I look at the ships now.
I'm so happy that my parents were able to visit us. They changed my perspective about serving here, and helped me renew my excitement about serving here at the Baha'i World Centre. They did some service while they were here and they just beamed with the thrill that it brought them to be a part of our community here. They also made wonderful connections with a number of people here - many of whom Mark and I know and are friends with. It was such a wonderful feeling to have my parents fall in love with my friends - and vice versa. Any time my two worlds connect (family & friends), I have a moment of apprehension - will one party find the other odd beyond comprehension? To say that did not happen would be a gross understatement. My parents left on Sunday and people are still talking about them - a number asking whether my parents will consider coming to serve here themselves. That to my is the highest praise they can give my parents - saying they'd like to have them around on a more permanent basis. I had no idea my parents would become so integrated into our community so quickly. I imagine that, along with the great memories, my parents are also experiencing some pain of loss. I'm kind of glad. That means that when Mark and I leave, my parents will have an inkling as to the readjustment we'll have to make to the States.
hmmm... after spending time at Louhelen and then trying to readjust to suburbia and then going to africa and then coming back and then having to adjust to Miami I think that i have a vague idea of what you're talking about. I know that the extent to which the two of you will have to readjust is awesome in comparison to what i had to go through. my prayers are with you.
anyhow, to ramble on a little more. I can't wait to come to Haifa. i hope to see you soon.
Posted by: Mendon | January 23, 2005 07:24 AM