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Mama's legacy....

I went to a "Donor/Scholar" breakfast meeting at Lakeland Community College today. there were Board of Directors there, there were College officials there, there were testimonial speeches of how the scholarships help the students, there were donors explaining their reasons for support education to the needy and undereducated, etc. I got a bit teary eyed hearing the women's center students talk about being dead if it weren't for the women's center women who helped them. When I went up afterward to greet and meet some of the students most of the students knew who Mommy was. There were a couple who just looked at me blankly trying to reach into their brains to know who she was. Gloria Lane was there to explain. Once they realized who Mommy was, they were very ecstatic to meet me. It tugs at the heartstrings to go to these events. The college president Dr. Morris Beveridge came over to greet me and his vice president,Marianne Blakely came over to ask how I was doing. You know, it is nice to be treated decently for a change. I guess the money I donate in Mommy's memory is worth every bit of it. I will continue her legacy each year supporting the life's work she started and which continues to their credit. This is the only venue I feel comfortable in any more. I think it is time for me to find a better town to live in where I feel useful and appreciated. It feels like time to retire or break old links and fix this chain driven vehicle. Mama's legacy to me is Respiratory. At least it is for now. There is much more on a family and personal level of course, but for today, this Donor/Scholar breakfast was a decent event for me to be at. I have been cranky all week. Maybe all year. I know I have been angry. Maybe time will heal this woe.


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It makes me happy to know that you were treated decently, and to know that you're aware of your feelings.

Me, I feel like crap, and now Liam is super sick to boot - vomitting, diarrhea, the works. Even a plain sweet potato was too much for him. I had to do 2 loads of laundry because of it today. I have no idea how we're going to survive the next 6 weeks.

I think new scenery, new friends, new town would be a balance of loneliness and an opportunity to reinvent yourself and the world around you. Take time to visit places you like, and make a list of what sort of things are important for you in terms of where you end up (Population, wildlife, services, geography, distance from famiy, social groups etc). I invision you moving to Maine or Texas and being surrounded by wildlife and outdoor adventure; working as a wilderness guide at National Park, working as the local Sheriff in a small town in Montana, or a respiratory thereapist in a retirement community in Florida.

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