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Firsts are for the birds....

Nov. 6th marked ten months since Mommy died. Every day without her is a first, but there are some monumental ones coming up this month. Our first thanksgiving without her. The first celebration of her birthday is soon on the fourteenth. We were married on the 27th of the month. It is positioned neatly between two Baha'i HolyDays so these will not be celebrated with her either.
There's the upcoming Xmas with family, New Years eve. And I guess this is the first year I have not even thought about going deer hunting. Just not the same anymore. I have been going through some of the boxes she had filled over the years. Yikes! Some oooold stuff in there!!!! And for the first time in my life I have not wanted to go to work for any of the health care systems I live near.
They are so stuck in the old world order. Still dictating terms of their eminence in a world of 'who cares'. I keep asking myself the old Telly Sevalas question..."Who loves ya baby?".


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We do[love you]! I understand what you are expressing. I've been thinking a lot obout the 'lasts' - like the last thing Mama knit for me... Our 'last' Thanksgiving together - when the oven temperature was off- causing all the food to be mediocre...

the food from the soter, that is, was mediocre - this is not meant as a commentary on homemade delicious foods. Remember Merry's salad? Yum! and Your cranberry sauce :)

I love you, Papa. There's never enough time to do the things you want to do once you find them.

I think Jim Croce said that in a song. Yes? Of course...I am seriously considering leaving respiratory for good. Not in a hurry, just considering. The hospital systems here are for the birds. I am one disgruntled employee....I have higher standards than even those who set the standards. Everyone seems concerned about me. Hmmm,what's new....

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