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Life emulates art?

In September we will have our fourth wedding. In January we had our first funeral. Almost every day I think about our version of Four Weddings and a Funeral. Even now my grandson has begun walking, climbing, short sprinting. His parents will move into a new home next weekend. My youngest daughter is traveling abroad in Argentina. Our youngest is working his first career position in Chicago. The eldest will be the last to marry in September. My youngest brother never calls me, and my oldest brother just e-mailed 6 months after my wife's funeral to ask how I am doing. I left my full time position to work prn in a hospital I absolutely adore but have not even a part time offer for me. I imagine in six more months I shall quite probably be gone stark raving mad. There is likely only one route for me to take and one of my dear children will tell me what it will be......(and thus begins another chapter in the saga of the Dornbrook Family from Mentor, Ohio). Family reunion is coming soon, OH My!
Today, I wonder if I can still hit a golf ball.
Isn't art fun? Or is it life? I prefer finger painting....


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We'd be happy to finger paint with you anytime.

Hmm, I guess one of the other kids is going to tell you what to do because I feel like any big changes to your life need to come from you. What sort of route were you thinking of?

Well Mara my big changes lately are all of the "I have no input to make a difference" kind of change. Mommy for instance.....What's next.....I sure don't know.....maybe one of you has an idea......

I've heard that service to others helps.

Maybe as a starting point you could follow in Rae's footsteps and travel to Argentina to visit your relatives? Truth be told, I think you should come visit us in Scotland, then travel throughout Europe.

I'm sorry that you haven't heard from your brothers. I don't ever hear from mine, either. Sometimes people aren't very good at being people, as Nathan would say.

Lots of love to you!

Hopefully we'll join you for that family get together thing we do every year. You know, the one were we reunite with everyone.

Hey, Papa!

I have an idea! Rent out the house and move to a Caribbean Island.

Buy a boat and become a professional fisherman, taking people out to sea fish.

Or, you could come join us here in Edinburgh for a short while, that would be nice, too.

I love you, Papa. You're a good man.

How about being a chocolatier? Or playing blues guitar?

All three sound interesting right now. A blues singing sea fisherman with a chocolate factory on board running out of Edinburgh Harbor. Maybe a bit much of a change right away. But I expect to visit you there sometime.

You should live in the Caribbean and become a professional scuba diver!

write poetry. sleep in. fish. meditate. offer the mail carrier lemonade. go to bavaria, and maybe austria too. don´t stay too long - bring a friend or find a group of travellers.

And how does that mean? I do not understand anything.

It’s really works for me.Thanks dude.

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